Date: 28/07/2024, 00h
Mood: desperately trying to rest
ramblings (3)
Hello, i am back from Ragnarok and took a few days off from everything, i needed the rest, and i'm not done yet. Responsabilities are looming over me, the list goes on and on, but i'm tryint to take it one step at a time
I am in my living room in my apartment, my best friend is sleeping upstairs. I'm wearing a new perfume i bought, it's called "un chemin de vide et de lumière" or "a path of light". We have the cat here, we took her with us, and she's currently laying on the table by my side. I have a few good news i wanted to share
I got accepted for the entrance test for the art school. They took pity on me and validated my file even tho it wasn't complete. Living in my own apartment with my best friend has been a joy and i'm trying to walk outside more to discover the neighborhood and get some fresh air. I'm planning some dnd stuff, a short campaign of mine is coming soon and i'm very excited for it. Ragnarok went well this year. The last two times i didn't really get into it, one because i got out of the psychward three days before it, the second i was just doing like shit again and spent most of my time in my tent. This time the communication with the group didn't go great, but i tried my best to help and correct things before it started. During the event my goal was truly just to enjoy spending some time outside, take it easy, try to roleplay, and have fun camping with friends.
As a result i was mainly following people around, but i did have one interaction with a dude who remembered me for me, and greeted me very warmly. We almost started a war, we almost got excecuted, i got my weapin silvered and i'm breaking skulls with it, so it went well. Really, i came back from it feeling like i, of course, could have managed it better, but my goals have been achieved, and i had a nice time. I'll try to be a badass hero next year. Can't wait to see what we create with the group.