The grimoire of Salomon

Welcome to my website :) check out my social medias !

22, (it/they) Multidisciplinary artist, working mainly in 2D digital. I am passionate about fantasy and medieval times, as well as horror and rpgs. Welcome!

this is a WORK IN PROGRESS, my website will be cool and all but for now its just a maquette. Thank you for understanding :)

next coming: i have to learn how to place and customize buttons so i can make an interactive main index page :). I will try to have different parts of the backgroud link to different parts of my website and i want them to be animated or change when hovering over them. I am also still thinking about my color palette, it might change! Thank you to every viewer, it's very pleasing to see that some people are already seeing my (maquette of a) website, don't hesitate to contact me. Have a nice day.

wizard hand waving at a grimoire a metal cage spinning with a skeleton inside